Clarity & Accountability for Your Life's Work

1:1 Creative Guidance Sessions with Awi

for Members in the Creative Wisdom Circle

A space and journey that invites your creativity to inquire and explore your deeper wisdom to important life challenges and/or business directions that call for a new perspective or approach - sourced from your inner guidance supported by the connected wisdom field with optional inspiration from the Gene Keys and Human Design.

I am happy to personally support you 1:1 on your creative journey if you desire more clarity and practical solutions, want more accountability or extra input from a professional brand designer, intuitive healer & artist, humand design and gene keys guide to make tangible steps with your creative projects and/or business/brand or personal development that truly aligns with your innate energy and soul direction.

Creative Inquiry Into the Unknown

Topics we can explore in the period of 9 months
following the Creative Wisom Circle Journey

The following is an outline for the topics of each month that you can use to creatively explore and contemplate to fuel your creative flow, reveal your personal wisdom and clarity in each area through your personal creation of intuitive art/expression.

The structure roughly follows the Golden Path of the Gene Keys Activation Sequence and the Prosperity Sequence. If you are not yet familiar with them, don't worry - it is not a requirment to participate. It is just a great framework for deeper personal inquiry on these topics that naturally lead to more clarity of yourself and your life's work. You are completly free to follow these topics roughly, with or without your GeneKeys or choose your own topics for each session. You are your own guide first.




Life's Work & Vision

Creative inquiries about your work in the world concerning your personal or professional life. Find or clear your vision for future creative projects or how you want to approach a certain area of your life in a way that it gives you personal gratification.




Challenge & Growth

Reflecting on your current or past challenges, blocks carrying out your life's work. Inquire about or initiate keys to find your breakthrough. Let your soul give you another persoective on things that feel hard right now.




Radiance & Health

Tap into your inner wisdom how to support your physical, emotional and mental health and vitality. Presence current challenges and let the creative process be a healing force.




Purpose & Message

Let's make space for the mind's nagging question of »Why?« and see what our deeper source responds.
Find more clarity on what nourishes you from deep within your being and activate the forces of synchronicity and grace in your life.

a state of being than any ‘doing’. 




Love & Soul Essence

Welcome inquiries and explorations into any current or recurrent issues in your relationships that you just can't figure out why they keep repeating. 
Get a taste of the essence of your love, open the channels to receive your own love through your creative expressions.




Wound, Gift & Vocation

This is a delicate space to presence your wound in order to open up to more love and empthy so you may find more clarity on your innate calling to service in the world. This creative inquiry can also serve to find more clarity about your niche or your sweet spot in the market place. 




Tribe, Culture & Attraction

Who are you here to serve or what issues in our culture are you most designed for to help evolve through your own life experience, calling and purpose. What types of people will mostly be attracted to work with you. 




Brand & Business & Message

What's the best way to be of service to self and others. How to use your energy in a way that serves all. What qualities and values do you bring forth that attract your people. What's the core of your message to your people.




Pearl, Spirit & Celebration

What's the essence of all your inquires this year and the qualities you receive from spirit that land deeply in your soul to nurture all your being? 
Celebrate our jounrey and inquires and the creative wisdom we have received from our creative inquiries and each other.

Our Creative Wisdom Muses

What your personal sessions can include ...


Accountability Muses for Process

Creative Mentorship

Discuss, envision an plan your creative projects with me step by step. This may help you move forward and be accountable to reach your desired goals or make discoveries to deepen your work and develope or refine your creative expression. Get feedback on your creative work if you wish. 


Wisdom Muses for Insight & Inspiration

Gene Keys & Human Design Wisdom

The monthly outline follows the GeneKeys Golden Path: Activation & Pearl Sequences and additional Spheres. WE can explore them together for you to receive insight and inspiration. 
We can also look at your Human Design chart to explore your type, strategy, authority, circuitry, incarnation cross and more to get answers to your current creative life challenges.


Creative Muse for Business

Personal Branding 

Get inspiration how to use your creative insights from your intuitive art jounreys to clarify your personal branding, brand positioning, brand strategy, messaging, visual branding, product creation and more. I have a background of over 20 years in the industry.


Healing Muses for Energy & Alignment

Energy Work 

If you encounter blocks and pains in your creative journey you can also use your session to receive energy healing that can focus on clearing, charging and aligning your energy field, so your creative flow will be more effortless and effective. This can incl. Hara Alignment & Essence Expassion - through Barbara Brennan Healing Science® or Intuitive Creative Frequency Modulation through sound and guided healing journeys.

This is for you if you want to...

  • learn simple intuitive creative techniques such as “Channeled Drawing”, intuitive painting and more to open your creative flow and access your intuitive guidance
  • have a lot of fun with non-sense and letting go of concepts and perfectionism, allow yourself to make mistakes and boost your creativity and inspiration
  • experience a safe creative space to be seen, heard, expressed and supported by a fellow creative traveller
  • practice to refine your creative expression and translate it into intuitive guidance and inspired action and hold yourself accountable with your projects
  • access guidance to get a bigger picture and perhaps a change of perspective about your current challenges
  • extend or rekindle the joy of creation
  • perhaps find peace with your current life challenges
  • extend your personal wisdom with the wisdom of the Gene Keys, Human Design and the magic that reveals as life presents itself to you 
(sales tax included)
1 x 1:1 Personal Creative Guidance á 60min

Wisdom Ressources & Creative Tools

(GeneKey + Human Design, Intuitive Art Methods)

9 MONTHs CommiTment
(sales tax included)
9 x Monthly 1:1 Personal Creative Guidance á 60min
Wisdom Ressources & Creative Tools
(GeneKey + Human Design, Intuitive Art Methods)
(sales tax included)
Monthly 1:1 Personal Creative Guidance á 60min
Wisdom Ressources & Creative Tools
(GeneKey + Human Design, Intuitive Art Methods)
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BOOK NOWMonthly Payment

Your payment will be processed through Digistore24.com. We offer a 60 day money back guarantee through Digistore24.

Your Guide

Awi is an intuitive creative explorer curious to reveal essential truths and discover what sparks creation, change & connection while adoring nature and seemingly random things that often lead to the right insights, people and places.

In 2011 she discovered »Channeled Drawing« as a personal intuitive art practice to nurture her creative joy, attunement and inner guidance. She has also used this creative process to offer workshops and readings to many people, who in effect felt a rekindled creative flow, receiving personal insights in exploring fun details of the process and the images.
Watch my process videos and sample readings on youtube here.

As a natural & trained intuitive she has the gift to attune to people on a deep soul level and guide them to honor their unique life experiences, revealing purpose and land in their inner creative power place that synthesizes their challenges, gifts and expertise together in a streamlined way to serve their purpose in the world. 

As a personal brand mentor & designer at FULLY SEEN she empowers conscious creators and dedicated change agents to be seen, aligned & expressed with their business. Creating clarity, resonance and trust through the process of personal branding with integrity and creating visual translations to online spaces for education and connection.

Find out more about Awi's journey here

Voices of Fellow Creative Explorers

Kim Schultz
 Healer & Reverant - USA

» I highly recommend Awi’s channeled drawing workshop. She has a playful, clear presence and her facilitation ignited a spark of creativity within me! My mind liked to tell me that I couldn’t draw and I was extremely critical of anything I created. During my 1st workshop I experienced joy and freedom of movement in my body! I found I liked drawing and was so happy about my expression on paper! I have continued to draw daily for the past month utilizing this process for play and for transformation growth work. I have even found myself showing others what I’ve created!! «

Asha Croggon
Transformation Guide - Canada

» I feel really compelled to share how much I love to create … with words, with art, with photographs, with ideas, with sculpture, with fibre, with colour … Taking this journey with Awi has reminded me so much of that love …. I have been inviting more creativity into my ‘work’ … writing more about my awarenesses …. modifying my photographs in canva and pixlr and sharing them … and yet my heart is really urging for more … I’m diving into creating what I can, when I can, how I can NOW. … And this support and inspiration from this group and our fabulous Awi has been wonderful. So a thousand blessings!!!!!!!!!!!! «

Laura Hollick
SoulArt Guide - Canada

» Awi’s ability to express spiritual wisdom through her channeled drawings is incredible! I have had the honor of experiencing 18 channeled drawings and each one has deepened my awareness and opened me to understand my issues and challenges in nü empowering ways. I continue to enjoy the beauty and brilliance of Awi’s channeled drawings and I know I will for years to come! «
»Awi has the unique ability to channel healing visions and insights through her art. She is a Cosmic Angelic Superwoman ready to be fully seen for her magical abilities. «

Alexandra Io Riederich
Astrologer & Guide - Germany

» It was such a pleasure to work with Awi again. The way she held space for what is and her gentle, yet deeply grounded presence was exactly what I needed to tap into some deeper wisdom within me. All she shared resonated with my own truth and helped me connect with parts of me that needed to be seen. Our session gave me a sense of wholeness and a deeper understanding of how to best move forward on my journey. «

Lucille DancingWind
 Author, Nature Muse - Canada/USA

» Awi is a magickal being of the Stars and the Earth… Her gentle, playful and serene nature is the perfect channel through which Spirit is able to convey messages in the form of insights, wisdom and beautiful soul energy drawings. Her channeled drawings are exquisite in form, colours and the depth of messages that they convey to the recipient… they always leave me in awe. I have absolute love for Awi as a soul sistar and on a professional level… her work is brilliant, pure and authentic! «

Marianne Hurley
Art Therapist - USA

» I’ve noticed that the more I keep up with the channeled drawing process, the more I’m returning to my other creative processes. This spring got kinda wild, with intense transformational trainings and my mother dying. I stopped spinning for months. In the last two weeks, I’ve pulled my spinning wheel out into the living room and am back to spinning almost every day! And I’m feeling pulled to paint again…and sculpt…and make mandalas…and create new toys….Thank you Awi for helping re-kindle the fires! «

Kris K.
Transformation Guide -  Germany

» Thank you Awi for sharing your unique intuitive and creative gifts with me! Working with you helped me to get to the root of things in a very gentle and loving way. Your combination of healing work, creative play and intuitive guidance helped me to get more clear about the soft song of my heart, accepting what is here now, and trusting the rhythm of my dreams and wishes. Very powerful lessons for me! I also adored the sound channeling during our healing sessions, which touched me deeply! «

Ilse Scheers (Grace) 
Singer Songwriter & Healer - Belgium

» I was deeply touched by the drawing and the spoken guidance I received from Awi: the resting of the heart, in the 5th chakra, the development of the femininity. On my current path of becoming an artist, of becoming more of me and bringing my singing and my whole heart to the world, it was a blessing to receive this, the support felt very profound. «

Melody Shin Park
Healer & Coach - USA

» Receiving a channeled drawing from Awi was so much more than I could ever imagined! The drawing is a visual presentation of my Creative brand, with all the components that are active and intertwined for me to share with the world. A Message from the spiritual realm. A love note from my soul to live out my mission on earth. I recommend doing the 1:1 package with Awi. She goes deep into what your core message to the world is! Wow! «

Get 1:1 Support

Choose single session or 9 month package below. 

Sales tax included.
1 x 1:1 Creative Support á 60min 
CWC Wisdom Ressources & Creative Tools
(GeneKey + Human Design, Intuitive Art Methods)
Sales tax included.
9 x 1:1 Creative Support á 60min
CWC Wisdom Ressources & Creative Tools
(GeneKey + Human Design, Intuitive Art Methods)

All payments are processed through Digistore24.com.
We offer a 60 day money back guarantee through Digistore24.

© 2023 FULLY SEEN,
Antonia Wibke Heidelmann
All Rights Reserved.

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